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Get to know the board: Vivian Teresa Tompkins, Midwest Liaison
Vivian Teresa Tompkins (she/her) is in her first term as the MLStEP Midwest Liaison, after serving as the New York State–Ontario Liaison last year. She is currently a first-year student in the Musicology PhD program at Northwestern University. What are your areas of interest in music librarianship? I’m interested in digital resources
Get to know the board: Becca Fülöp, Atlantic Chapter Liaison
Becca Fülöp (she/her/hers) is in her first term as the MLStEP Atlantic Chapter Liaison. Tell us about yourself! I started my first non-student library job in January ’22 as the performing arts librarian at Temple University. I completed dual MLIS/MAS degrees at the University of British Columbia in 2020. What
Get to know the board: Michelle Rivera, Programming Officer
This is the seventh in a series of interviews with the 2022 MLStEP board. We will be sharing new interviews with our officers and liaisons in the weeks leading up to the Music Library Association Conference in early March. Michelle Rivera (she/her/ella) is starting her term as the MLStEP Programming
Get to know the board: Emily Colucci, New England Liaison
This is the sixth in a series of interviews with the 2022 MLStEP board. We will be sharing new interviews with our officers and liaisons in the weeks leading up to the Music Library Association Conference in early March. Emily Marie Colucci (she/her) is starting her second term as the
Get to know the board: Emma Clarkson, Web Technologies Officer
This is the fifth in a series of interviews with the 2022 MLStEP board. We will be sharing new interviews with our officers and liaisons in the weeks leading up to the Music Library Association Conference in early March. Emma Clarkson (she/her) is starting her first term as the MLStEP
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